
About Coupons

Kanchana Venkataramanan
Modified on: Tue, 7 Aug, 2018 at 2:29 PM
  1. What is a Coupon?

    These are discount coupons that are listed on certain products offered by select sellers. These coupons can be collected and saved from the coupons home page, product detail page, product category pages, etc. The coupon discount applies on the price of the qualifying product, at checkout

  2. Are these coupons available on all products?

    These coupons are currently available on certain products offered by select sellers.

  3. Where can I find these coupons?

    Coupons can be found on the coupons home page listed here. These are also listed on product detail page, search results, product listing pages and in your shopping cart. You will find a "Collect Coupon" button just below the price of the qualifying product.

  4. Do I need to copy and paste some coupon code?

    There are no visible promo codes to copy and paste. You just have to click on "Collect Coupon" button and the discount will be automatically applied on the price of the qualifying product as you checkout.

  5. Do these coupons apply on Subscribe & Save orders?

    Yes, if a product carries a Coupon and is eligible for the Subscribe and Save program, then the coupon discount can be redeemed only on the first order of that subscription. However, if you later modify or cancel the subscription or delivery date for the qualifying product, the coupon discount may not apply.

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